Online Employee Training

Online training is an extremely cost-effective initiative long-term, and allows employers to offer convenient, standardized and individually-paced employee training across their organization. smart investment!

Many organizations are slow or hesitant to make the transition from in-house training to online training. This is yet another opportunity for you to differentiate your business in a very positive way for your employees...and as a result, also your customers.

Ensure employees receive full and relevant training

Offer 24/7 training from anywhere

Be more green while saving money

Improve message consistency across the organization

Online Employee Training core services include:

Assess Current Training

Assess current training processes, materials and literature as preparation for it's digitalization.

Identify Core & Topics

Define core training for all employees before determining positions which require additional specialized training.

Assemble Content

Between existing content and new content requirements, assemble and complete all presentation materials.

Create Test Questions

Once all the presentation materials have been completed, create test questions to include at the end of each lesson.

Course Scripting

Write a complete verbal script that will overlay and guide all of the presentation materials in a video format.

Video Production

Producing the video content which will then be loaded into an elearning platform including test questions.

More about Online Employee Training

Businesses offering valuable training for staff creates more loyal employees who end up with a much greater sense of confidence and accomplishment in the workplace. Online training also makes it possible for employees to learn at their own pace, thereby ensuring fast learners are able to complete training sooner, and those who need more time can do so without the added pressure of others.

The use of elearning tools should be increasing at a commensurate rate with the percentage rise of millennials in the workforce. These tech-savvy users gravitate towards these types of functional and efficient learning and training technologies and businesses should not only be cognizant of this, they should be actively adapting to stay relevant and competitive.